I hereby voluntarily submit and apply
for clearance to the Potomac Airfield, a privately owned
facility whose owner can be arbitrary and capricious at
times such as this, but who is otherwise a nice fellow,
and I further understand and hereby voluntarily
authorize various and nefarious Federal agencies to
review my otherwise personal and private information,
both at the time of this application and from time to
time thereafter, records for which activity may or may
not be kept.
I understand that these agencies may include, but are
not limited to TSA, TSI, FAA, FBI, CIA, USSS, and U.S.
Customs. I understand that these people often wear
dark sunglasses and compulsively check over their
shoulders from time to time for no apparent reason; but
since they are actually on our side I understand and
support this otherwise aberrant behavior.
Furthermore I waive any right to bitch and moan, as,
when you stop to think about it, I am applying for
clearance to a private facility which can do whatever it
likes, whose actions just happen to coincide with a
practical solution to security concerns. So there.
I understand and accept these
bizarre requirements